Friday, January 23, 2009

Stace's tips on managing eczema:

Firstly, soak it in salt water to get rid of any infection which may have inflamed it. This will allow the skin to heal over it much easier.

Secondly, leave it alone!! I've just had my two patches (on the back of my hand) covered by band-aids for the last two days, and the improvement is phenomenal. I'd post a photo, but seriously, have you ever tried to take a good, clear photo of the back of your own hand??

So anyway, the lack of scratching and accidental knocking has allowed it to heal up nicely. It's still a little itchy, although much less so with the killing off of the infection with the salt water. I'm hoping for a full recovery without resorting to the use of any nasty chemically hormoney creams. We shall see :)


Anonymous said...

My cousin mysteriously started getting eczema about a year and swears it's made worse by contact with liquids (she was working in a bar at the time and had to quit because the inflammation was getting so bad). I think she was referring to alcohol and washing up water though :s will recommend the salt water to her - it started off on her little finger, spread across her hand and is now.... ON HER CHIN! AAAARGH!!

I, on the other hand, am convinced it's leprosy. She doesn't find this very amusing...

Stace said...

Fathorse - About five years ago I had eczema ALL OVER my face, it was very very gross. That went away eventually through the use of a very good moisturiser, but I'm now almost sure it would have been quicker and easier if I'd dunked my face in salt water, or gone swimming in the ocean, more often!

Hilary said...

Natural cures are usually best as the often restore what's missing or help neutralize what's to excess. Hope it heals before you know it.

Andrew said...

I've never tried to take a photo of the back of my hand, though I do have some photos of my thumb. Good luck with the brine.

Cazzie!!! said...

Poor Stace, I suffered eczema too when I was pregnant. I agree, non chemical treatment is better when it is effective. :)

Frank Baron said...

Son #2 was plagued by eczema on his legs and feet, especially in the winter. Now, at 19, it doesn't flare up as often or last as long. He's used various topical ointments over the years with mixed results. I'll mention the soaking in salt water to him if it flares up again.

Thanks kiddo. :)