Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I don't usually blog from work. I have more important things to do, like work. Goodness knows there's no shortage of it. But today, nothing is going right. It's just so frustrating, I need this little "time out" to rant and rave!! Things have disappeared, things haven't been done correctly, things have been put in the wrong places, and things are pissing me off! I feel like I've spent half my day so far searching for things that aren't where they should be, or, apparently, anywhere at all. I thought today was going to be so productive and awesome, I had it all planned out... instead, I have two half-finished things on my desk, waiting on (hopefully) some missing things to turn up, or new copies to be provided. So not only did I not catch up at all, I've actually fallen further behind than I was!


Andrew said...

Things missing - did you check the date on the calendar?
I hope everything looks up and becomes more productive.

Gordie said...

Try not to kill people. (I know, it isn't easy)

Cazzie!!! said...

There is always a day in the week like that. Things will look up Stace, and I bet they have since you posted this one... I have been on night shift, so I am a bit out of whack. Actually, I am working tonight too. An hour longer with day light savings coming to an end :(

elizabeth said...

I totally hate days like that. Hey - did you realize that your wee baby might be born on my wedding day? How neat would that be??

Stace said...

Andrew - nobody does April Fools at my office... maybe because they all used to be teachers... ;)

Gordie - it gets more challenging every day...

Cazzie - I hope you get paid for that extra hour!!

Elizabeth - I know, that would be awesome :) You'd never forget her birthday, and I'd never forget your anniversary. lol

Frank Baron said...

Just wait 'til you have a toddler in the house. THEN things will disappear -- down the toilet, down his mouth, in the cat's litter box.... ;)