Why should anybody care...
- If Kevin Rudd went to a strip club once, long before becoming Prime Minister of Australia?
- If an American Idol contestant used to work as a stripper?
- If a now-prominent Australian politician smoked weed a couple of times in his youth?
The fact that all of these "issues" have been featured in one of Australia's more intelligent newspapers in the last couple of days worries me. It speaks of the lingering conservatism among Australians, and an outdated concept of morality. I can understand being concerned about these things in the 1950's, but I would hope that we've come a long way since then. Is there a person out there who has never done something they now regret, or which reflects views long-since discarded? This is normality, this is life, this is not something worthy of being published in a broadsheet newspaper. It's not news, it's olds.
Well said Stace! totally agree.
I so agree Stace..and the thing is, people need to move on and get a grip on THE NOW..and ley these people do the job they are elected to do and that is to govern the country now. I got strategies, and if I was a politician I knwo what I would do with the health system. Having 4 kids at school now, I also know what is needed for the schools and the teachers... I dunno, I haven't ever smoked pot, and I HAVE been to a strip club before..many years ago..and it was an all women's one at that..please explain is for another time, lol..but, I reckon I could do ok as a polly :)
The times they are a-changing and people HATE change. These last ditch efforts to hold on to the good old days of being spoon fed will soon gothe way of the Dinosaur.
There is a tsunamic generational shift on the horizon and the old farts don't like it. Unfortunately for them the Gebnie is out of the bottle and INFORMATION is no longer private property.
Let sleeping dogs lay.
Oh, you are so forgiving...but perfectly right. The media there apparently had nothing else to report on, so they reported on this.
The media IS the message, so Marshall McLuan wrote...or was it The Media Must Massage?
The way things are over here with alleged 'cannabis-using' and other more general debauchery being splashed across headlines as though no-one's ever done them before, I have come to the conclusion that I can never hold a meaningfully high-up position in any organisation ever in my life. Except for Prime Minister. They can do whatever they like...
Finally, someone said it. There are so much more important things going on in the world. I hate when the media brings up these...things. This was a great post.
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