Blogspiration has been lacking of late. My general outlook has been poor. This has a lot to do with work right now. The job and the people are still fine, no problem. The problem is
job security. They can't afford to pay me; I've worked only
three days in the last
fortnight and will probably only work
two days next week. Also I've just found out that,
this Friday, we will be told whether or not our office will remain open - in other words, whether or not we still have jobs. Admittedly I'm only on a 3-month contract, but the expectation was always that I would be offered the job permanently at the end of that time. But the
lack of hours, and the fact that the company's
going under... not cool. Also the
secrecy that surrounds many aspects of the business and the way I found out about
this Friday third-hand rather than straight from the boss... it all gets very
irritating. It sometimes seems like there's some
conspiracy afoot! Fortunately I have the
coolest recruitment agent in the world, he knows the situation, and he's already keeping an eye out for other jobs for me. But really, I hate
job-hunting and
job interviews and
updating my resume and having to dye my hair a "
normal" colour that isn't
purple... I just want to keep this job that I
like, with the added bonus of working enough hours to
pay the rent and eat (and save money and pay off a loan)! I guess there's always the chance the company will
start making some money in the next week or so...
What about making the jewellry agin and marketing it on ebay Stace? Would you consider doing that?
It will happen and you won't have to dye your hair a 'normal' colour either.
It's coming.
Cazzie - I don't think I have the patience or the artistic flair or the ability to deal with occasional failure to be happy doing that! But thanks for the tip; if things get desperate it's something worth trying :) Actually a friend of mine used to run a very successful ebay business; he'd go to op-shops and buy cheap but good quality clothing, and re-sell it on ebay for quite a lot more than he spent! I might try that!
Donn - you have a job for me?? :)
Are you okay? Your hand looks red and swollen. You havn't been biten by an ANT have you?
Andrew - firstly that's not my hand. Secondly, as we know, houses get red and swollen when I get bitten by ants! :)
Hi Stace
You don't know me, but I love your writings. Did you know you could make enough to live off from your blogs as a passive income? You certainly have the talent, and is what I am planning/in the process of doing due to illness and loss of job.
An online friend of mine, who now has a lot of RSS subscribers to his blog, now earns 6 figures/year from one blog (self hosted though, on own domain) because readers love his site so much.
Great idea for a passive income for doing something you obviously love and have talent for!! So, you really need to get RSS here so people can subscribe to your sites/blogs - try 'Feedburner' - its free and sets everything up for you. If you go to my blog, you will find some links there.
Let me know if you want to know more about this option and hang in there - I lost my job, but a whole new world and insight has opened!! :)
Kind Regards
PS I make jewellery too! (just a hobby though, beading - ebay is another option, yes!)
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