My wonderful friends.
You have read this blog and been part of my life, and Aidan's, through highs and lows, through engagement and marriage, moving city, changing jobs, almost everything momentous that can happen in a person's life. Now we are honoured that you join us in this next momentous occasion, and I hope to bore you extensively over the coming nine months by writing about almost nothing else. Yes, I'm pregnant. Four weeks and three days pregnant, to be precise (counting like the doctors do, not from the actual conception). Early days, but I couldn't wait to share the news! We had our first visit to the doctor today, she ran me through all the stuff I can't eat anymore, and said a few other things about hospitals and midwives and blood tests, but I was too busy missing salami to pay attention to the fine detail.
I hope to keep you all updated over the coming weeks, and here is a cool little countdown thingie so you know where we're up to!

Now I'm going to go and stare lovingly at some soft cheeses and wines, until this thing pops out and I can eat them again!!
Oh my goodness Stace!!! Congratulations to you and Aidan!! Am so happy for you! Isn't it funny that we're both pregnant at the same time?? I'm 10 weeks along right now.
I wish you luck (and no morning sickness!) in your pregnancy journey.Now at least I have a blogger buddy who's going through the same road as I am. :D
Menchie!!! I'll race you to the birth!!!! haha
it's awesome to have a fellow blogger going through the same thing! But so far I've been remarkably well - no morning sickness to speak of, really nothing but a bit of tenderness in the bosom area! :) Of course, it's still early... plenty of time to feel like crap later ;)
Oh fivey!!!!!!!!! I'm SO happy for the two of you! You're going to be such cool parents. Congrats, Stace and Aidan. :) :)
Congrats you two!
Don't forget, if you have any questions at all, at any time, day or night or in-between - you may contact Hilary.
awww man :) congratulations!!! *hugs*
Thanks Hilary!! I hope our kids turn out half as cool as yours ;)
Frank, you're such a... moron... I mean, sweetie!! Really, thanks! hehe
Althea, whoooooooo!!! *hughughug* :)
How absolutely wonderful, Stace and Aidan!!! I don't know what to say, I'm so happy for you!!! It brings back such memories for me of when Ed and I found out we were expecting. Congratulations with all of my heart!!! ((HUGS))
Warmest hugs to you and Aiden, Stace. That is fabulous news! Congratulations! It will be great fun to watch the countdown thingy and read about how you and the little babette are doing.
Congatulations! How exciting for you both...and I will eat some brie in your honour.
Thank you Jewel and Ponygirl :)
Rosemary, you're just mean! haha
I will help with names..I'm super good with names..and I'll stay up and chat with you when you can't sleep..and what else can I do for you?
I knew it I knew it
Congratulations, thats wonderful news and I am very happy for all three of you - from Andrew's mum.
Congrats from Andrew. I will look forwards to coming up and visiting the three of you.
PS: it it all cheese, or just soft cheese that you can not have?
Thank you to Donn, Andrew, and Andrew's mum :)
I can still have cheese. Just not soft cheeses, or parmesan. Tasty is still good! :)
Congrats Stace and Aiden!
You will be great parents, hope all go's smoothly.
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