Rain! Glorious rain! Our experience of this phenomena has been limited and infrequent, and each occurence is reason for celebration! It's just a shame it hasn't fallen over areas that actually need it - rain doesn't do much good falling on paved streets in cities. It needs to be over farming areas and the water catchments!!! I wonder if the rain gods read this blog?
Clear not alcoholic fluid falling from the sky, will wonders never cease
Oh man, my kids, you woudl reckon, neva saw trhe rain before...and whaddya think they all did..all prim and proper in uniforms for school???? JUMPED in the puddles, with me closely following suit behind :)
Cazzie, That's so much fun!!! I remember a couple of years ago, there was one of those massive summer storms where it pours with rain but it's still quite warm... Aidan and I ran out and danced around in it!!! Great fun.
I wish it would rain --- just to alleviate the heat. It's sooo hot here!
I can't say that I know how you feel about wanting it to rain so much, because we have had it all here in Ohio in the past week: Rain, snow, sleet, sunshine and 70 degrees: a typical week in March. *smile*
I do have a wonderful memory of our son, Daniel and I going out to play in the rain one summer afternoon. We had such fun! We even washed our hair and rinsed it under the downspout!
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