Well, here I am, on my official due date, and still not in labour. In fact, the only unusual thing to have happened so far today is that I'm out of bed, fully awake, well before midday. My more usual thing, when unemployed, is to sleep until at least 1pm! So I don't know if that was just anxiety keeping me awake, or if my body's trying to tell me something's happening soon... fingers crossed, anyway!
Soon soon. :)
Stace, first babies are notoriously overdue.... but you sure look great!
It will happen soon. If you feel like you need to rearrange the furniture... it will be very soon! Nesting instincts will be kicking. :-)
Already rearranged furniture :)
Those last few days before I was due, Stace, I walked....alot....and I actually went into labor th e day before my due date! You do look wonderful!! Keep moving...that may help speed things along a bit! *smile* ((HUGS))
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