It is done! I have left. Quit. Nicked off. Scootled. Resigned. Gone. And all that!!! They got me flowers and a nice card, they got me slightly tipsy, they hugged me, one of them gave me a lift to the train station so I could get home, and that was that! I'm unemployed until I turn up at my new job on Monday. It feels a little odd - I can't quite grasp the fact that I will never see some of those people again, I will never work in that office again, I will never again get away with quite as much as I did there!!! (I have told them that if the new job doesn't work out, though, I'm coming back!) So there you have it. I'm going to stop writing now, and go and get some more alcohol. I deserve it!
Friday, May 04, 2007
It is done! I have left. Quit. Nicked off. Scootled. Resigned. Gone. And all that!!! They got me flowers and a nice card, they got me slightly tipsy, they hugged me, one of them gave me a lift to the train station so I could get home, and that was that! I'm unemployed until I turn up at my new job on Monday. It feels a little odd - I can't quite grasp the fact that I will never see some of those people again, I will never work in that office again, I will never again get away with quite as much as I did there!!! (I have told them that if the new job doesn't work out, though, I'm coming back!) So there you have it. I'm going to stop writing now, and go and get some more alcohol. I deserve it!
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Booze......I'll be right there
Hip Hip Hooray....oh sorry, thats for birthdays. What does one say for escaping the asylum. LET ME OUTTA HERE.......
Good Luck with the new job. There, thats what I was trying to say.
Ah, Stace, big life changes are both scary and exciting, aren't they? A big hug, if you need it.
And pour me a rye and Pepsi while you're at the bar, or I'll just have a beer if that's easier.
Onya Stace...what was inside the card? Left your mark.....
It sounds like they gave you a fitting farewell, Stace! The flowers are beautiful. Have a great weekend gearing up for the new job!! ((HUGS))
Thanks all!!
Cazzie - inside the card was "Don't worry, the cleaners should be able to take care of it!"
SO very very proud of you my love... It takes a lot to change your world, glad i could celebrate that victory with you:)
I remember how I felt when I left the last job where my boss sucked. Totally liberating.
am happy for ya!
Congrats!!! Good luck on the new job, too. Hopefully you'll have more time for you now. =)
May the fourth be with you.
Good on ya stace and have a scotch for me. What is your drink, by the way?
Another bites the dust!
Onward and upward and all that.
CHEERS I'll have one with you.
drink to it babez. And good luck with the new job!
congrats :)
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